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Low intensity was formed in 2006 and is made up of 2 guys: Mark Tay and Jason Ho. Mark is the lead vocals and I (jason) the lead guitarist. Both of us write our own songs and play our own music (cos we can’t afford someone to play it for us…).

low intensity on a high

low intensity on a high

So what’s the low intensity sound? Mellow lows with an intermitten-tensity. Songs that, we hope speak, directly to your hearts and soul.

Both love music, well Mark’s more crazy about the ‘Who played what’ and when it happened, while I’m more that “hey that’s an awesome song by somebody really really famous”. Mark can’t really stand this side of me, so he tries his level best to ‘educate’ and correct me when I say that heavy metal song is from either Metallica or ACDC.

That said, we both love different parts of music, that’s why we’re still here.

We’re currently trying to get our CD out preferable by end this year 2008 but you can stay tuned to this site or join our email list and we’ll tell you about any updates that we might have.

So if you see us performing on the streets, stop and take a listen cos we’ll play to anyone who is willing to listen.