(a continuation of previous article here) Finally, I managed to get an copy of this article…thanks to the fantastic magazine AUGUST MAN, and to the diligent photographer Yong-the-mooky-veggie. We’re able to cryogenically-cyberspace a piece of printed mag for your viewing pleasure. Thanks Mark. Continue reading ‘BUSK IN THE CITY-AUGUST MAN NOVEMBER 2008, Pg 84 by Mark Tay’
After some digging around, I managed to get this video. For those that didn’t really catch Mark in action, here’s a bit of what happened during recording…
We’ve just signed up for Mediacorp TV’s show Live ‘n’ Loaded which is to be aired in mid-jan. It’ll be showcasing new talents in the 1 hour show and the bands would depend on how many votes they hit.
Here comes the ‘lay-chey’ part, if you want to vote, you’ll have to sign up to Mediacorp TV. Fill up a form, mobile no., user name yada yada yada… just so you can vote for a band you’d like to see up on national TV!
Last Saturday 15th November, the 3 of us (Mark, Damon and me) went to a studio to do our recording. Located along Joo Chiat Road, Sound Advice was to me quite impressive, especially with their entire set up. Like you could visually see the person in the recording room from the mixing room so if Mark sang something that was off, we could just shake our heads and he got it. Continue reading ‘First professional recording session’
The article’s about Mark Tay (writer for August Magazine), being a diligent reporter that he is, joining a busker (me), to see how life is busking on the streets.
If you’re wondering, we’re on page 84of the November’s issue(right), which I’m still trying to scan, whereby somehow in the photos you can’t really see me cos I’m either cut off or blocked by Mark. (you’ll understand if you get your hands on one)
Think Mark did a great job in the article.
So once I get the scanned copy of page 84, I’ll be sure to upload it. Or, just grab a copy of Singapore Definitive Men’s Journal:The Music Issue at all Mama shops and news-stands.
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