The article’s about Mark Tay (writer for August Magazine), being a diligent reporter that he is, joining a busker (me), to see how life is busking on the streets.
If you’re wondering, we’re on page 84 of the November’s issue(right), which I’m still trying to scan, whereby somehow in the photos you can’t really see me cos I’m either cut off or blocked by Mark. (you’ll understand if you get your hands on one)
Think Mark did a great job in the article.
So once I get the scanned copy of page 84, I’ll be sure to upload it. Or, just grab a copy of Singapore Definitive Men’s Journal:The Music Issue at all Mama shops and news-stands.

So I’ve got an Ableton live that comes with the M-Audio 410 firewire that we use to record and experiment with the music, playing with the drum beats, adding strings, back-up voice overs. All in hope of getting the right kind of feel for the song. Continue reading ‘Ableton live vs logic pro for mixing indie music?’

On the 29th Wednesday 2008, I went down to Medicorp (Waiz and I walked up a damn steep and long slope to finally get to the studio). Cos Mark Tay was on the game show ‘Don’t forget the lyrics’ hosted by Gurmit Singh. Continue reading ‘Mark Tay’s on ‘Don’t forget the lyrics Singapore’’

Guess what I found…
Quoted from the Newpaper, Sept 12 2008, ‘Who will be the next best thing’, by Germaine Lim:

Local musician Mark Tay, who plays in two-piece band Low Intensity, believes that to attain permanence, music needs to move people.
He said: ‘It has to enable the audience to understand the artiste and cause them to take action.’
Thought it was cute to know ‘low intensity band’ is on the news! Ok mark, we’ll write music that MOVEs people… heh.
Click here If you want to read the entire article. And here for a print friendly one.

A big hello and thank you to those who are visiting. And if you actually got this url from our poster as you so deftly walked by last wed, an even bigger Wahoo! cos that would mean the money spent on that board of info went to good use. Continue reading ‘3rd Busking session in town’
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