Tag Archive for 'busking'

Video: Channelnewsasia’s i journalist busking interview with Nina E Varghese

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Channel News Asia’s video interview with buskers Low Intensity. For those who managed to catch us on TV thanks for staying by the screen and not walking away. Yet for the majority 84% of you that didn’t get a chance to watch it, here’s a portion of the clip below.

Courtesy of ChannelNewsAsia’s beauties Nina(reporter) and Nancy(producer) who tolerated intense nonsense from us. Btw, Happy Birthday Nancy! Wherever you’re celebrating it.

ChannelNewsAsia i-journalist: Low Intensity’s busking interview with Nina E Varghese

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Woot!! Thank you I-journalist for dropping by the tunnel and spending a little time speaking with us bout music and busking. Was great to meet you guys!

On hindsight, Jason and I seriously gave host Nina a pretty crummy time. Continue reading ‘ChannelNewsAsia i-journalist: Low Intensity’s busking interview with Nina E Varghese’


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(a continuation of previous article here) Finally, I managed to get an copy of this article…thanks to the fantastic magazine AUGUST MAN, and to the diligent photographer Yong-the-mooky-veggie. We’re able to cryogenically-cyberspace a piece of printed mag for your viewing pleasure. Thanks Mark. Continue reading ‘BUSK IN THE CITY-AUGUST MAN NOVEMBER 2008, Pg 84 by Mark Tay’

Thank You!!

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It’s been a long while since i posted something up here and i know Jason’s getting a little bugged that his two man band has seen a 50% drop in efficiency in the past month. Apologies for that. I would say that i was busy with work and couldn’t find the time to publish something new and snappy on this quaint website of ours, but that would be a lie. I’ve been lazy. * cue in ‘wah lau kengster!* gibberish* And for that i’m sorry again. Continue reading ‘Thank You!!’

We’re on August Magazine’s November issue!

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The article’s about Mark Tay (writer for August Magazine), being a diligent reporter that he is, joining a busker (me), to see how life is busking on the streets.

If you’re wondering, we’re on page 84 of the November’s issue(right), which I’m still trying to scan, whereby somehow in the photos you can’t really see me cos I’m either cut off or blocked by Mark. (you’ll understand if you get your hands on one)

Think Mark did a great job in the article.

So once I get the scanned copy of page 84, I’ll be sure to upload it. Or, just grab a copy of Singapore Definitive Men’s Journal:The Music Issue at all Mama shops and news-stands.